written by Alex Stocks on 2020/08/31,版权所有,无授权不得转载
APF 是 API Priority And Fairness
【API优先级和公平性】 的缩写。API优先级和公平性允许集群管理员将控制平面的并发性划分为不同的加权优先级,到达kube-apiserver的每个请求将被归类到一个优先级,并获得其在控制平面的吞吐量中的公平份额。
文档2 中有句话很好地说出了 APF 解决的问题:
参见这里的API文档! https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.18/#flowschema-v1alpha1-flowcontrol-apiserver-k8s-io
对于apiserver自身的请求,以及任何可重入(reentrant)的流量(例如,自己发出API请求的admission webhook),可以将优先级标记为“exempt(豁免)”,这意味着不进行任何类型的排队或限制。这是为了防止优先级反转(priority inversion)。
非豁免优先级可以选择多个队列来用于洗牌分片。以比一致哈希更好的方式将洗牌分片映射到队列。给定的流可以访问一个小的队列集合,对于每个传入的请求,都选择最短的队列。当优先级具有队列时,它还设置队列长度限制。请求在队列中可以等待的时间也有限制;这是apiserver请求超时的一个固定部分。无法执行且不能(再)排队的请求将被拒绝。 或者,非豁免优先级可以选择立即拒绝而不是在队列中等待。 有关此特性,请参阅API文档。 https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.18/#prioritylevelconfiguration-v1alpha1-flowcontrol-apiserver-k8s-io 有什么是缺失的?什么时候会有beta版?
// APIServerHandlers holds the different http.Handlers used by the API server.
// This includes the full handler chain, the director (which chooses between gorestful and nonGoRestful,
// the gorestful handler (used for the API) which falls through to the nonGoRestful handler on unregistered paths,
// and the nonGoRestful handler (which can contain a fallthrough of its own)
// FullHandlerChain -> Director -> {GoRestfulContainer,NonGoRestfulMux} based on inspection of registered web services
type APIServerHandler struct {
// FullHandlerChain is the one that is eventually served with. It should include the full filter
// chain and then call the Director.
FullHandlerChain http.Handler
// The registered APIs. InstallAPIs uses this. Other servers probably shouldn't access this directly.
GoRestfulContainer *restful.Container
// NonGoRestfulMux is the final HTTP handler in the chain.
// It comes after all filters and the API handling
// This is where other servers can attach handler to various parts of the chain.
NonGoRestfulMux *mux.PathRecorderMux
// Director is here so that we can properly handle fall through and proxy cases.
// This looks a bit bonkers, but here's what's happening. We need to have /apis handling registered in gorestful in order to have
// swagger generated for compatibility. Doing that with `/apis` as a webservice, means that it forcibly 404s (no defaulting allowed)
// all requests which are not /apis or /apis/. We need those calls to fall through behind goresful for proper delegation. Trying to
// register for a pattern which includes everything behind it doesn't work because gorestful negotiates for verbs and content encoding
// and all those things go crazy when gorestful really just needs to pass through. In addition, openapi enforces unique verb constraints
// which we don't fit into and it still muddies up swagger. Trying to switch the webservices into a route doesn't work because the
// containing webservice faces all the same problems listed above.
// This leads to the crazy thing done here. Our mux does what we need, so we'll place it in front of gorestful. It will introspect to
// decide if the route is likely to be handled by goresful and route there if needed. Otherwise, it goes to PostGoRestful mux in
// order to handle "normal" paths and delegation. Hopefully no API consumers will ever have to deal with this level of detail. I think
// we should consider completely removing gorestful.
// Other servers should only use this opaquely to delegate to an API server.
Director http.Handler
// New creates a new server which logically combines the handling chain with the passed server. // name is used to differentiate for logging. The handler chain in particular can be difficult as it starts delgating. // delegationTarget may not be nil. func (c completedConfig) New(name string, delegationTarget DelegationTarget) (*GenericAPIServer, error) { handlerChainBuilder := func(handler http.Handler) http.Handler { return c.BuildHandlerChainFunc(handler, c.Config) } apiServerHandler := NewAPIServerHandler(name, c.Serializer, handlerChainBuilder, delegationTarget.UnprotectedHandler())
s := &GenericAPIServer{
Handler: apiServerHandler,
listedPathProvider: apiServerHandler
return s, nil
type CompletedConfig struct { // Embed a private pointer that cannot be instantiated outside of this package. *completedConfig }
// TODO write an integration test against the swagger doc to test the RequestInfo and match up behavior to responses
// NewRequestInfo returns the information from the http request. If error is not nil, RequestInfo holds the information as best it is known before the failure
// It handles both resource and non-resource requests and fills in all the pertinent information for each.
// Valid Inputs:
// Resource paths
// /apis/{api-group}/{version}/namespaces
// /api/{version}/namespaces
// /api/{version}/namespaces/{namespace}
// /api/{version}/namespaces/{namespace}/{resource}
// /api/{version}/namespaces/{namespace}/{resource}/{resourceName}
// /api/{version}/{resource}
// /api/{version}/{resource}/{resourceName}
// Special verbs without subresources:
// /api/{version}/proxy/{resource}/{resourceName}
// /api/{version}/proxy/namespaces/{namespace}/{resource}/{resourceName}
// Special verbs with subresources:
// /api/{version}/watch/{resource}
// /api/{version}/watch/namespaces/{namespace}/{resource}
// NonResource paths
// /apis/{api-group}/{version}
// /apis/{api-group}
// /apis
// /api/{version}
// /api
// /healthz
// /
func (r *RequestInfoFactory) NewRequestInfo(req *http.Request) (*RequestInfo, error)
// WithRequestInfo attaches a RequestInfo to the context.
func WithRequestInfo(handler http.Handler, resolver request.RequestInfoResolver) http.Handler {
return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
ctx := req.Context()
// 把 @req 转换为一个 RequestInfo
info, err := resolver.NewRequestInfo(req)
if err != nil {
responsewriters.InternalError(w, req, fmt.Errorf("failed to create RequestInfo: %v", err))
// request.WithRequestInfo(ctx, info): 把 RequestInfo 存入 @req 的 ctx 中,生成一个新的 ctx1,作为 ctx 的子类;
// req.WithContext(ctx1) 会先生产一个 req 的拷贝 req1,然后 req1.txt = ctx1,但是 req 又会作为左值被赋值为新的 req1
// 所以效果是:把 新的 ctx 存入 req 中【req 原来的 ctx 会被替换】;
// 把 info 存入 req 的 ctx 中
req = req.WithContext(request.WithRequestInfo(ctx, info))
handler.ServeHTTP(w, req)
WithRequestInfo 返回一个 http.Handler, 这个 handler 会根据 http.Request req 提取出一个 RequestInfo,然后存入 req.ctx 中【以后想要获取到 reqInfo,可通过request.RequestInfoFrom(req.Context()) 获取到】。
k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/server/filters/priority-and-fairness.go:WithPriorityAndFairness( handler http.Handler, longRunningRequestCheck apirequest.LongRunningRequestCheck, fcIfc utilflowcontrol.Interface, )
k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/server/config.go:DefaultBuildHandlerChain(apiHandler http.Handler, c *Config) 会调用这两个函数。
通过 QA 的形式对内置的 fs & plc 进行解释。
Q: k8s 怎么保证内置的 fs & plc 在 k8s 启动的时候被创建出来?
A: k8s 启动的时候调用如下函数创建 suggested fs&plc 和 mandatory fs&plc。
func (p RESTStorageProvider) PostStartHook() (string, genericapiserver.PostStartHookFunc, error)
Q: PostStartHook 中对 suggested 使用 ensure 函数保证创建,而对 mandatory 调用 upgrade 保证创建,为何?
A: ensure 是确保 suggested 被创建,如果同名的 fs&plc 存在,则创建失败也所谓。upgrade 则是对现有的 fs&plc 进行升级,所以不管 mandatory fs&plc 存在与否都会被创建出来。
Q: 下面这俩时间查这么大,道理在哪?
const retryCreatingSuggestedSettingsInterval = time.Second
const retryCreatingMandatorySettingsInterval = time.Minute
Q: RESTStorageProvider.PostStartHook() 中针对 mandatory fs&plc 的 upgrade 函数是常驻 goroutine 吗?
A: 是的。在 https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/e1ba7546bfe591d4e4fc0ce08c00652b79703b00/pkg/registry/flowcontrol/rest/storage_flowcontrol.go#L140 行有注释 "always retry",即可说明问题。永远返回 false,永不退出。
通过与 APF 开发者金敏同学交流,得知 APF 有这样一个 backdoor:如果手工删除 exempt fs,则会引发全局 suggested fs & plc 重建。
在第二个红线处,如果 exempt 不存在,则调用 ensure 函数创建 suggested fs & plc。
kube-apiserver \
--feature-gates=APIPriorityAndFairness=true \
"--enable-priority-and-fairness=false" 选项会禁用 APF,即使以上选项已启用。
k8s官网 flow-control 一文有这么一句话:
Caution: Requests classified as “long-running” — primarily watches — are not subject to the API Priority and Fairness filter. This is also true for the
flag without the API Priority and Fairness feature enabled.
即 对于 list&watch,无论是 apf 还是 max-inflight,都无效。
或者可以采用一个变通的方法:如果认为一个响应 3k 是一个RT [Round-Trip],则可以把 【所有的 list&watch 的流量 / 3k 】的结果认为是一个 RT,然后通过 APF 或者 max-inflight 进行限制。
k8s官网 flow-control 一文有这么一句话:
Caution: With the Priority and Fairness feature enabled, the total concurrency limit for the server is set to the sum of
. There is no longer any distinction made between mutating and non-mutating requests; if you want to treat them separately for a given resource, make separate FlowSchemas that match the mutating and non-mutating verbs respectively.
如果 API sever 启动了 APF,它的总并发数为 --max-requests-inflight 和 --max-mutating-requests-inflight 两个配置值之和。这些并发数被分配给各个 PL,分配方式是根据 PriorityLevelConfiguration.Spec.Limited.AssuredConcurrencyShares 的数值按 比例 分配。PL 的 AssuredConcurrencyShare 越大,分配到的并发份额越大。每个 PL 都对应维护了一个 QueueSet,其中包含多个 queue ,当 PL 达到并发限制时,收到的请求会被缓存在 QueueSet 中,不会丢弃,除非 queue 也达到了容量限制。
k8s官网 flow-control 一文说明如下:
参数值,会减少不同 flow 之间冲突的可能性,但是会增加内存负担,如果其值为 1, 则会禁掉 fair-queueing 逻辑,但是请求还是会被排队处理;queueLengthLimit
的参数值,可以应对突发的流量,不丢弃相关的请求,但会增大延迟和内存占用;增大 plc 的 handsize
的参数值,可调节不同flow冲突的概率【增加公平度,防止某些 flow 饥饿】,以及总体并发度;但也可能导致某些类型的 flow 霸占住 as,且导致请求处理延迟增大;单 个 flow 上能处理的最大请求的数目可能的值为 handSize * queueLengthLimit
5 fs 的各个参数
k8s官网 flow-control 一文说明如下:
或者 nonResourceRules 中的任一一个规则;
作为值意味着匹配有效,当 key 为 subject.name 或者 resourceRules{verbs, apiGroups, resources, namespaces} or nonResourceURLs 时;
distinguisherMethod.type = ByNamespace or ByUser;
6 可观测性
每个 as 的 HTTP 响应 header 都有两个字段 X-Kubernetes-PF-FlowSchema-UID
和 X-Kubernetes-PF-PriorityLevel-UID
, 可以通过如下两个命令查看:
kubectl get flowschemas -o custom-columns="uid:{metadata.uid},name:{metadata.name}"
kubectl get prioritylevelconfigurations -o custom-columns="uid:{metadata.uid},name:{metadata.name}"
7 metrics
piserver_flowcontrol_rejected_requests_total apf 拒绝的 request 数目,按照 pl 的名称以及 fs 的名称以及 rejection 原因进行排序,拒绝掉的原因可能值有 queue-full【队列中已经有太多的请求在排队】、concurrency-limit【根据 plc 拒掉请求】、 time-out【请求还在队列中排队的时候就超时了】
apiserver_flowcontrol_dispatched_requests_total 已经处理的请求总数
apiserver_flowcontrol_current_inqueue_requests 还在队列中有待处理的请求总数
apiserver_flowcontrol_current_executing_requests 正在执行中的请求数目
apiserver_flowcontrol_request_queue_length_after_enqueue 实时队列中数据数目。这个值是抽样获取到的
apiserver_flowcontrol_request_concurrency_limit 每个 plc 的并行上限
apiserver_flowcontrol_request_wait_duration_seconds 请求处理过程中排队的时长,以及请求处理失败量
apiserver_flowcontrol_request_execution_seconds 请求执行花费时间
增强此特性如何工作的可观察性 相关讨论 Documenting APIPriorityAndFairness beta criteria
Supports concurrency limiting upon long-running requests Allow constant concurrency shares in the priority-level API model Automatically manages versions of mandatory/suggested configuration Necessary e2e test.
wojtek-t: I would really like to have the LIST calls addressed though. Currently we treat "list all pods" as the same cost as "get single pod". I think this is much more important than addressing long-running requests. lavalamp:
I think there's two pieces of work here: 1. The mechanism for acting on the estimate of an API call's cost 2. The rules that produce the cost estimation We should make the code separate enough that it's easy for different people to work on these different tasks. It's easy to have someone go off and spend a month optimizing 2 once 1 is in place.